
  Israel's Theatrical Scene-Welcome to Theaterland!!!
A Guest Lecture by Prof. Roy Horovitz.

Israeli theater is the scene of intense activity and it is multi - faceted.

It is impossible to encompass in a single lecture the wealth that exists in theatrical milieu in Israel.

Humbly, one can attempt to sketch the general evolvement of the Israeli theater in the past 70+ years.

Among other things the audience can be introduced and learn about Judaism's ambivalent attitude toward the sheer concept of theater and its representation, the scope of the theatrical activity in Israel, quantitatively and geographically, in large cities and the periphery; its multi–culturalism, e.g. plays in Hebrew, Arabic, English, Russian, and Amharic; the distinctive features of the repertoire it presents, e.g. mainstream literary works edited or the stage, central preoccupation with the Holocaust and current events, intensification of the 'feminine voice' in recent years, etc. to name a few topics, as well as to provide some live readings and screened examples of outstanding theatrical performances.

The aim of the presentation is to expose the audience to the theatrical abundance existing in Israel and to arouse its curiosity and interest in Israel's rich cultural endeavors in the field of theater.